Kurtfest is back again for one of the biggest full-day music events in Eveleth history. This year we're celebrating the 10-year anniversary of the Night of the Living Kurtfest with Return of the Night of the Living KURTFEST!! kurtfest.com
Expect Zombies. 5 Stages. 24 Musical Performances. 1 Free Polish Sausage. Free Admission.
WHY: Restless after Kurtfest 2018, Kurt is back on the shuffle, drawn out by black magic and the 10-year anniversary of the release of the video game Left 4 Duluth--a local arts and music showcase, with zombies.
FULL SCHEDULE-------------------
KURTFEST PLAZA (All Ages)[Outdoor Stage]
2:00 - Kurtfest BBQ + Kurt Band
2:30 - The Iron Range Outlaw Brigade facebook.com/TheIronRangeOutlawBrigade
4:00 - Horse Fzce facebook.com/horsefzce
5:30 - Whale in the Thames facebook.com/WhaleintheThames
7:00 - Breanne Marie & the Front Porch Sinners facebook.com/FrontPorchSinners
8:30 - ~~: p - gnewmatikz :~~ pgnewmatikz.bandcamp.com
MARGIE'S ROOSEVELT BAR [Outdoor Stage](21+):
3:00 - De Se duluthhomegrown.org/bands/de-se
4:30 - LAZER BEAR facebook.com/LAZERBEARMN
6:00 - Jammin’ Joe
7:30 - Steve Solkela's "Overpopulated" One Man Band facebook.com/SteveSolkela
9:00 - NVR TGTHR facebook.com/nvr.tgthr.band
10:00 - Constant Insult facebook.com/ConstantInsult
EGGY'S RED GARTER LOUNGE [Outdoor Stage](21+):
3:30 - BIG INTO facebook.com/biginto
5:00 - Gladiator instagram.com/gladiatortheband
6:30 - MEGATRON soundcloud.com/MEGATRON651
8:00 - Willie Diction facebook.com/williediction
9:30 - G’narwals facebook.com/dare2kill
10:30 - The Imports
10:45 - Mr. Kickass facebook.com/mrkickasstheband
11:30 - Good Colonels facebook.com/colonels.good
12:30 - Boog3ym3n facebook.com/bxxg3ym3n
JOHNNY D's (21+):
11:00 - The Adjustments facebook.com/adjustmentsmusic
12:00 - Thor Leseman facebook.com/tsleseman
1:00 - Miracle Debt miracledebt.bandcamp.com